Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What I think of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has essentially made every groundbreaking change in American law and life since its creation. Its influence has affected America, its allies and even our enemies in one way or another in a myriad of ways. 9 people sit upon a bench from October first to the beginning of summer the following year giving opinions, supporting opinions and dissents on one hundred and fifty cases. The Supreme Court is still after more than 200 years predominantly white males. Its diversity has definitely grown over the past century though accepting black men, women and now a Hispanic woman. Change comes slowly with one of Americas oldest institutions and it has definitely been spurred with the changed in our oldest institution the president when we elected a black man, a Mr. Barack Obama into our presidency seat. The Supreme Court bench is supposed to be equal in conservatives and liberals but sways left and right as the years move on and ever Justices themselves change their political and lawful opinions. Conservative and liberals alike can be voted on and do a complete 180 in their opinions once sitting on the bench. As far as what laws have been handed down, reprimanded and rewritten over the years, I find myself agreeing much more often than disagreeing with the Supreme Court. Unlike the lawyers and practices underneath them, the Supreme Court itself has a plethora of opinions and varied ideas upon it that sit well with me and are at a medium with the nation at large as far as I am concerned.

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