Wednesday, September 2, 2009


As you open your Gmail accounts once a week you’ll notice along the left side of your tool bar your inbox, starred mail, sent mail and so on. As you move down you’ll see a “more” drop down menu, in there you’ll notice a “spam” folder. Gmail along with many other email providers such as Yahoo and EarthLink have anti-spam filters in place to protect you from the bulk if not 100% of these spam threats that were a major inconvenience less than 5 years ago. Spam operations are akin to that of shooting bullets into a metropolis city. There is obviously an abundance of room for which the bullets or spam to fly by un-harming and an annoyance at best but you will hit someone with a bullet as you will hit a gullible person who does not deserve to be solicited with a spam email. Responding to these can result in anything from petty theft to identity theft. These operations clutter your email box and are against the law as they are there to achieve nothing except to scam and steal from people. It is extremely dangerous to let these companies and businesses to run unhindered as they continue to “hit and miss” on the populace and make a living from stealing essentially from innocent people who may not be to common sense savvy. Although the internet’s “filters” have become much more powerful and common nowadays and block most of everything spam can still get through and open the door to extremely volatile viruses and even infecting your computer to become a remote accessed server to email out the spam itself effectively creating your computer an accomplice.

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