Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Underlying Truth

There is an underlying theme within our society of a need and want for justice, but a lack of courage and trust in those charged with upholding the law. “I for one am ever amazed at the ability of our legal system to be the foundation for all laws that have subsequently been passed along the years without caving in and falling apart outright.” – Zappia, Rocco M “I understand that we have to have laws for everything but it seems that every law has an exception to everything so if you have a good attorney those exceptions will come in handy.” - Polo, Dianne “There are times when I think of the law and it seems to be nothing but a hindrance to the way most of us live our lives.” - Thomas, David M. We as a Society would love to embellish the idea of having a corrupt free Government, with politics that work simply for the good of the people and laws that are upheld to the umpteenth degree. But we are also a realistic people, we know this isn’t the case, and we know this will never be the case. We deal with what we are given knowing that we have one of the greatest judicial systems to have ever graced this fine earth and we’re grateful knowing that more often than not we are saved from an injustice. But it is simply that, more often than not. An estimated 10,000 persons imprisoned are innocent of the crime they were convicted of committing every year! In a country of 300,000,000 plus, that may not seem like a lot but it is a gross injustice to our lives and our Government. There is the “look over your shoulder” mentality with the police and court system for a reason.

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