Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The Lawyer. A noun used to describe someone who has attended a law school (online or otherwise) that is supposed to uphold the law moral or otherwise to the tee in a court of justice. A real lawyer is someone hired by a plaintiff, defendant or the State to give the rational and legal opinions on behalf of the hirer. They may make underhanded or unethical calls and deals with the other lawyer or judge in order to make their case possibly not the best it could be but in order to keep costs to a minimum, or they may try to uphold justice to its fullest potential in order to carry out a moral and ethical standing in the courts. Unfortunately seeing as how not only Daniel Webster but John Adams are dead, we don’t as a society have much of a chance or receiving such wonderful lawyer ship. The public opinion of lawyers is that they are backstabbing slime sucking dirt bags that would do anything to get paid and move onto their next case to make the next bundle of cash. I personally don’t think of lawyers in such undeserving terms or ways but I don’t believe all lawyers have a sense of justice equal to that which I would consider prime. There are also many types of lawyers in our society; Civil, Marital, State, Appellate, District attorneys and so on and so forth. The ones that are most spoken of are the District attorneys. Upholders of the law against the ravages of primal barbarians, scum of the Earth who deserve nothing better than a cold dank death. The opinion of these “DA’s” greatly vary depending on what side of the court you happen to be on when you see them, or which episode of Law and Order you happened to watch the night before. The lawyer is an enigmatic and cloudy character with skewed senses of right and wrong on certain scales, but they generally always start with a high chin and a correct sense of duty, only to be faltered and corrupted by the practices of firms across America, and firms across the entire civilized world.

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